

Since I have started working with Iot, the only logical step was to get an Arduino. I have little to no experience with electronics but I have some great colleagues that have helped me with some of the basics.

I proceeded to get the Arduino Mega from Amazon, here is the link Arduino Mega. I had to get some sensors so I bought the Keystudio sensor kit Keystudio Sensor Kit . One of my friends had a breadboard and some wires to spare, but if you need this you can get them here Breadboard and cables.

When I finally got the "Gear", I proceeded to go to Arduino´s website and downloaded the IDE, here is the link to the Arduino IDE .

At first I was quite intimidated, I had previously burned a couple of LED´s since I had no clue what I was doing. The great thing with the Keystudio sensors, is that they have the resistors already mounted on their respective sensors.